# 经济
- Institutions now provide a trade company efficiency value to replace tech disparity bonus. It takes the latest embraced institution in the native province and adds with the latest embraced institution with the trade company owners value. This efficiency is then multiplied with the trade goods produced bonus.
- Feudalism, Renaissance, Colonialism, Printing Press have Trade Company efficiency of 0
- Global Trade have a Trade Compnay efficiency of 0.1
- Manufactories have a Trade Company efficiency of 0.2
- Enlightenment have a Trade Company efficiency of 0.3
# 政府
- 选票制候选人非主要属性点数-1
- 选票制候选人最大年龄下调
- Can no longer get the The Four Kumaras event if your government can't have heirs.
# 单位
- 桨帆在非内海不再承受-2骰子的惩罚
# Ideas
- 23级自建国理念1改为+0.5RT
- 23级自建国理念3改为-10%建筑花费
- 23级自建国传统改为无视铱宗教容忍惩罚
- Diplomatic 3rd idea switched out for +1 Diplomat
- Espionage 3rd idea lost 10% Province Trade Power Modifier.
- Espionage 4th idea switched out for 20% AE Impact.
- Espionage 5th idea buffed with Claim Fabrication onbehalf of Vassals.
- Expansion 3rd idea buffed to 20 Settler Growth.
- Expansion 4th idea switched out to be -50% Rival Border Fort Maintenance & -20% CoT Upgrade Cost(Dharma).
- Expansion 6th idea switched out to be 1 colonist & 5% Settler Chance
- Expansion Finisher now gives +5 States instead of Maintenance
- Exploration 1st idea and 2nd idea switched places.
- Exploration 4th idea nerfed to 10 Settler Growth.
- Exploration 5th idea tariffs nerfed to 10% and given 20% Envoy Travel Time.
- Exploration 6th idea switched to give -25% Expel Minority Cost(Golden Century) or 5% Settler Chance(Non-Golden Century).
- Humanist 3rd idea nerfed to 2 tolerance of heretic.
- Humanist 7th idea nerfed to 2 tolerance of heathens.
- Increased max polish provinces for forming PLC as LIT to 32.
- Influence 2nd idea switched out for -15% subject liberty desire
- Influence 4th idea switched out for +1 diplomatic relations
- Influence 6th idea lost +1 diplomatic relations
- Innovative 2nd idea switched out to be 50% Innovativeness Gain(Rule Britannia) or -5% Idea Cost(Non-Rule Britannia).
- Innovative 5th idea switched out to be 25% Institution Spread.
- Maritime 1st idea switched to 100% Naval Tradition from Trade.
- Maritime 6th idea switched to +1 Free Leader and -25% Admiral Cost
- Maritime 7th idea buffed to give +25% Privateering efficiency.
- Naval 4th idea switched out for 1 Yearly Naval Tradition.
- Quantity 5th idea switched out for 33% Supply Limit Modifier.
- Religious 4th idea buffed to have 2 Tolerance of Own Faith.
- Religious 6th idea switched out to be -50% Missionary Maintenance Cost.
- Aragonese ambition changed to +1 artillery fire
- Navarran idea 'End of the Fueros' now gives 25% reduced autonomy change cooldown instead of -10% stability cost
- Replaced Berber (group) Hostile Core Creation Cost tradition with -0.25 Naval Attrition
# 战争
- 宗主可以要求非自愿的附属国在战争中转地(可以转殖民领占的地了?)
# 其他
- 教士阶层在60%+忠诚时-25%本地传教花费,在40%~50%忠诚时-10%本地传教花费
- 传教维护费按比例改变传教力量,只要花钱,就能传的动(前提本地传教力量是正的)
- 传教花费=本地发展度*(1+本地自治)
- 无视异宗教容忍惩罚的理念现在会使异端/异教省份提供100%的宗教统一
- 行政/影响政策回归-20%外交吞并花费
- 上一篇:血污 草莓 在哪刷
- 下一篇:电蝙蝠的翅膀哪里获取
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